Saturday, November 10, 2007

Thoughts on babies

Back right after the dinosaurs, I started reading blogs. Through a scroll-and-click process lost to history, I came upon a woman who was trying to get pregnant. She was hilarious and her blog was fantastic, and I've been reading it for years. Through her blog, I started reading other womens' blogs - all of them about trying to get and STAY pregnant. I read with tears streaming down my cheeks through miscarriage and miscarriage and still more miscarriages like I actually knew these women. I had nothing in common with the process (those who know me know that my sex life? HA! Let's move on, shall we?) but my heart ached every time there was bad news, and I have learned far more than I should know about problems with pregnancies. I got to the point wherein when one of the bloggers, or someone I knew in real life would announce that she was pregnant, I followed the process with all fingers crossed (makes it hard to type) and the same internal dialogue I have had whenever I see or hear an airplane since 9/11. "Stay up. Stay safe. Please, please, please."

That said, I am over the moon to report that Olivia Grace came into the world perfectly healthy and safe on November 1. She and her mom are great, and Olivia looks just like her mama and her Uncle Stevil. I can't wait to meet her.

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